Policy Manual

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This Policy Manual is regularly updated as per ongoing organisational development and improvement.
Version 1.2 (November 2023)

This Policy Manual is valid together with the Return Policy, Privacy Policy and contractual terms of the We Love Noni Partner Agreement.

Application for We Love Noni (WLN) Partnership Eligibility criteria

In order to protect its clients from illegal and deceptive business activities, We Love Noni only employs as WLN Partners individuals or business applicants who strictly refrain from any deceptive, misleading, discourteous, unethical and immoral conduct.

Application process of becoming a WLN Partner (natural or legal person), co-beneficiary, re-registration, termination of relationship
Natural persons over 18 years of age and businesses can apply to become a WLN Partner. You can do this in the following ways:
  • On the Internet at: www.welovenoni.com
  • The completed and signed WLN Partner application form should be sent to the reg@welovenoni.com email address as a scanned attachment. A natural person can register as a WLN Partner in his/her own name or as a private entrepreneur, where the contact person in the Partner relationship is the individual himself/herself. If you are applying as a company, all important relevant documents must also be sent at the same time as the application. The WLN Partner must accept the terms and conditions of the WLN Partner Agreement at www.welovenoni.com at the same time as the application. If the WLN Partner applies online, the signed WLN Partner Application Form must be received by We Love Noni within 60 days.
When applying as a legal entity, the legal representative of the firm, company or trustee must sign the WLN Partner Application Form. This document constitutes a valid application of the firm or company. All business applicants must complete the Business Application Form as part of the WLN Partner Application Form. If any of the information included in the required documents changes, We Love Noni must be notified in writing of the change, attaching an amended version of the relevant documents. Application as a co-beneficiary is possible by signing the application form at the same time. A maximum of 2 people can register on one WLN Partner ID. A co-beneficiary has the right to contact We Love Noni on behalf of the WLN Partner, obtain information about the WLN Partner’s relationship and place orders using the WLN Partner’s ID number. Co-beneficiaries may not request a change of Sponsor and may not request any change to the WLN Partner relationship without the written permission of the primary applicant. Commission and bonus checks are always paid to the primary applicant.
Product order
The amount payable for the first order, while registering as We Love Noni Partner, contains the registration fee. Fees may vary from market to market. All We Love Noni Partners and Customers are required to use their own credit / debit cards when placing an order with We Love Noni.
Independent contractual relationship
WLN Partners are independent contracting parties. You are not considered a franchisee, joint venture member, partner, employee or agent of We Love Noni for tax or legal purposes. WLN Partners are strictly forbidden to imply otherwise, verbally or in writing. We Love Noni is not responsible for the payment of any employee benefits for independent WLN Partners. If a public body of the WLN Partner’s competent court requires We Love Noni to deduct taxes incurred in connection with the WLN Partner’s legal relationship, We Love Noni will reduce the WLN Partner’s commission by the amount in question before it is paid out. In the event that We Love Noni or the competent authority discovers that tax, interest or penalties to be deducted in connection with a WLN Partner’s commission payment has not been accounted for after the commission has been paid, We Love Noni will reduce the WLN Partner’s subsequent commission payments by the amount of the deduction. The WLN Partner shall not have the right to bind We Love Noni in any way or to assume any obligation on behalf of We Love Noni. WLN Partners determine their own working hours and how they manage their own activities, within the rules set out in the Handbook. WLN Partners are responsible for their own expenses, health and vehicle, disability, workers’ compensation and insurance related to this and all other related matters.
WLN Partners may register new WLN Partners in all countries where We Love Noni is officially active, except China. WLN Partners must ensure that all potential WLN Partners have access to the current Handbook and read it before or at the same time as they submit their WLN Partner Application Form.
Possible WLN Partners statuses: Active or inactive
Under the Contract, WLN Partnership can be maintained with or without any purchase. To be an active WLN Partner and maintain this position, you must also make regular purchases. The minimum activity to be fulfilled can be ensured by purchasing products representing 100 QV in a given calendar month under the WLN Partner’s own identification number. In the case of inactivity, the WLN Partner is not entitled to commission or bonus payments. Activation is possible by placing an order worth 100 QV on your own ID. The Partner is not entitled to Quick Start payments generated within a given calendar month before the activation date (the date of payment of the 100 QV order under the Partner ID). If, within the calendar month, the Partner who was inactive in the previous month becomes active, he/she will be entitled to Unilevel and also to Quick Start generated after the activation date. Affiliates who have received a commission without activity, i.e. without entitlement, merely because of their activity in the previous month, will have their commission withdrawn after the end of the month in the absence of activity. WLN Partners have the option to register with a new Sponsor after 6 months from the last personal purchase. After the lapse of the 12th month from the last personal purchase, We Love Noni may terminate your relationship. After the termination of the relationship, the WLN Partner may not claim any commissions or bonuses based on the turnover of the persons registered under it. Reactivation of a previous WLN Partner relationship is not possible. If a WLN Partner wishes to change the nature of his/her individual WLN Partnership and continue as part of a firm or WLN Partner company while retaining his/her original Sponsor, WLN Partner ID number and team, he/she may do so at any time by submitting a written request, subject to We Love Noni’s policies. The fee thereof is 50 EUR.
Termination of relationship at the WLN Partner’s request
The WLN Partner may cancel the WLN Partner Agreement with We Love Noni at any time. The Agreement may be cancelled for any reason or no reason, and the WLN Partner does not need to give reasons for the cancellation. Cancellation can be enforced by sending the notice from the email address registered with We Love Noni or by an original signed document. After sending the cancellation notice, the WLN Partner no longer needs to carry out any activity with his/her WLN Partner ID. The cancellation will take effect upon receipt and processing by We Love Noni. Any WLN Partner who has requested termination of his WLN Partner Agreement by We Love Noni is subject to the „Six Months’ Waiting Period” policy, whereby he may not register with another WLN Partner within 6 months of the effective date of cancellation unless he has been in Inactive status for 6 months prior to the cancellation. Cancellation of a new WLN Partner Agreement is possible within 14 days from the effective date: the WLN Partner may request cancellation of his WLN Partner Agreement with We Love Noni Inc. within 14 days from the effective date - receipt of the WLN ID number. Upon receipt of the cancellation request, We Love Noni will refund to the WLN Partner the registration fee paid by the WLN Partner.
Transfer to a new Sponsor
There are 2 ways to transfer to another Sponsor:
  • With the signature of 8 Sponsors in the upline of the WLN Partner.
  • Transfers apply only to the WLN Partner’s own identification number.
The team registered under the ID will be rolled up, after which the transferring WLN Partner will also not be eligible for commission or bonus payments and will lose any titles, benefits, pending qualifications associated with the position.
Annulment of marriage or divorce
WLN Partners may be required to share assets if their marriage is annulled or they are divorced. In such a case, We Love Noni will continue to treat the WLN Partner in accordance with the original Agreement until it receives a court order or court decision to the contrary. We Love Noni may not be held liable by the party having control of the relevant WLN Partnership if We Love Noni relies in good faith on the court order, decision or judgement. A person who has lost his or her right as a WLN Partner as a result of a court order due to divorce or annulment of marriage may only reapply as a We Love Noni WLN Partner after the six-month waiting period.
In the event of the death of a WLN Partner, the death must be reported to We Love Noni within 90 days of the date of the event. A copy of the death certificate is sufficient proof of death. If no notification of the transfer of ownership to the heirs is received within 90 days of the death, the legal relationship will be terminated. In this case, the WLN Partner’s downline will roll up to the corresponding upline Personal Sponsors. In the event of the death of the WLN Partner, the rights and titles of the WLN Partner shall pass on to the heir determined by the law of the country of residence of the WLN Partner. We Love Noni complies with any final court order or legal instrument that contains provisions concerning the WLN Partner right. If the heir(s) of the deceased is(are) already WLN Partner(s) and he/she/they inherit the WLN Partnership, he/she/they may choose to operate both WLN Partner groups. The heir must submit a completed WLN Partner Application Form together with the last will, court order or other legal ruling to We Love Noni regarding the transfer of the WLN Partnership.
Sale or transfer of WLN Partnership
We Love Noni reserves the right to decide, in its sole discretion, whether to approve or reject the proposed sale or transfer of the WLN Partnership. We Love Noni also reserves the right to charge a fee for the sale or transfer of the WLN Partnership. The sale or transfer of the WLN Partnership or of the WLN Partner’s control over the business is only possible if the following conditions are met:
  • We Love Noni has the right of first refusal in any sale or transfer of the WLN Partnership. The seller of the WLN Partnership shall, at We Love Noni’s request, offer We Love Noni the opportunity to purchase the WLN Partnership on terms and conditions consistent with any other existing offer. If We Love Noni intends to accept the offer, it will notify the WLN Partner of its acceptance within 10 days.
  • The WLN Partnership may not be sold, transferred or modified if any of the following conditions prevail: it is temporary, temporarily suspended, suspended, in the process of termination, terminated, or under investigation by the company.
  • The buyer of the WLN Partnership must submit a new, signed WLN Partner application form to We Love Noni, together with the other documents required at the time of application. In the event of a sale or transfer approved and processed in writing by We Love Noni, the buyer shall assume the same position and obligations and shall have the same rights, qualifications and benefits as the seller.
Loyalty program, subscribing and unsubscribing for the Loyalty program
For the convenience of WLN Partners, We Love Noni offers the Loyalty plan, which guarantees on-time delivery of products every month at the best price. You can subscribe for the Loyalty plan at the www.welovenoni.com website and cancel your Loyalty membership in the same way. Activating or deactivating the Loyalty program must be done by the WLN Partner / customer via the www.welovenoni.com back-office interface, following the instructions in the email sent prior to the Loyalty order. If the WLN Partner does not accept Loyalty orders or returns them without reason, the WLN Partner will drop out from the Loyalty plan. Loyalty subscription is a condition for eligibility for commission and bonus payments. If the amount is not available on the bank card provided as the Auto-Payment method or the amount is not covered by the account provided, We Love Noni has the right to attempt to withdraw the amount from the card several times in order to register the Loyalty order for the WLN Partner. In case payment with the bank card provided is unsuccessful for two consecutive months due to insufficient funds or rejection, We Love Noni reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to remove the WLN Partner from the Loyalty plan. WLN Partners also have the possibility to pay for the Loyalty order through cash on delivery at the courier, but this has to be determined at the Loyalty subscription process. This option is not offered in all of the markets as it depends on the contractual terms of the courier company.
Consumer purchases
A Consumer is a person or business that is not acting as a WLN Partner. WLN Partners do not have exclusive rights over any Consumer, either for the purpose of purchase or for the purpose of the Consumer’s subsequent sponsorship as a WLN Partner. The Consumer’s loyalty is based solely on his/her choice. Each WLN Partner has the right to register one Consumer ID at his Level 1 with the same data as his own.
We Love Noni products are available at 3 price tiers:
  • Loyalty price: the best price available to Loyalty order subscribers.
  • Normal price: the price paid by registered WLN Partners or Consumers who are not Loyalty members.
  • Recommended retail price: price for purchases made by visitors to the website. This price may be applied by the WLN Partner to any resale of products purchased on its own ID.
Buying products abroad
WLN Partners can buy products in the country in which they have registered as a WLN Partner. WLN Partners travelling abroad may order and personally purchase products in the country where they are located, provided that We Love Noni delivers to that country. Any purchases made abroad must be in accordance with the associated policies and procedures.
Payment in case of transaction cancellation or insufficient funds
If payment of an order is not made due to a transaction cancellation or insufficient funds and the products have already been dispatched to the WLN Partner, We Love Noni will withdraw commissions up to 53% of the commissionable value of the order to the date of the unpaid balance. We Love Noni has the discretion to claim compensation to cover the shortfall. If an amount is repaid, We Love Noni’s administration and legal or recovery costs will be deducted from the total amount repaid before distributing the refund payments to the WLN Partners whose commission or bonus has been recalculated.
The returns policy is set out in a separate document and is available on the www.welovenoni.com website.
Taking back the products
Returned products must be in saleable condition. A product is no longer considered saleable if:
  • The product is out of warranty, i.e. the expiry date on the packaging has passed.
  • The product has been opened.
Any shipping costs occurred in returning the product to We Love Noni will be borne by the Consumer or WLN Partner. In the event of a delivery error, it is the responsibility of the Consumer or WLN Partner to review the order and report any discrepancy within 14 days of the receipt of the order. We Love Noni endeavors to deliver products that are of good quality and saleable, however, products may be damaged in transit. The acceptance of a damaged parcel must be refused to avoid incurring additional transport costs. The courier must complete a damage protocol with the addressee, and the addressee must submit it electronically to We Love Noni within 5 working days. If the damaged goods are delivered and accepted, the Consumer or WLN Partner must immediately notify We Love Noni of the fact of the damage and request information on further steps to be taken. Products may only be returned by the Consumer or WLN Partner who purchased the product.
90-day money-back guarantee
If the Consumer or WLN Partner is not satisfied with the product purchased, they have the option to return it within 90 days of purchase and receive a 100% refund of the purchase price, reduced by the shipping costs. We Love Noni reserves the right to reject any quantity of returned product that cannot be consumed within 90 days. The 90-day money-back guarantee applies only to the first purchase made on the given ID number per product type. Repeated returns of the same product will be refused.
Right of withdrawal
Consumers may request the cancellation of their order without giving any reason within 14 days of the delivery of the product. If a Consumer cancels the order, the costs of delivery and return shall be borne by the Consumer. Consumers must clearly indicate that they wish to cancel their order. Consumers may request the cancellation by email. In order to meet the cancellation deadline, the Consumer must send his/her request for cancellation before the cancellation deadline. The written cancellation request must include the following: the address of the Consumer, the quantity of the product, the date of the order, the order number. In any case, if the Consumer has accepted the product at the time of delivery, it must be returned by the Consumer without delay and within 14 days of the date of the request for cancellation.
Recalculation of the upline commission
All refunds that We Love Noni pays for returned products will affect future commissions already paid or to be paid to the upline. If the commissions have already been paid, the amount paid for the returned products will be deducted from the next commission of the upline. If the commission to the upline has not been paid yet, the purchase of the returned product will be declared as if it has not been made. Consequently, no commission is paid on this purchase.
Disciplinary rules
If a WLN Partner breaches the rules of the We Love Noni Handbook, We Love Noni may impose a fine on the WLN Partner at its discretion to cover the costs incurred. A WLN Partner relationship must be active and in good standing at the end of a given month in order to qualify for the payment of commissions and bonuses for that month.
Disciplining offenders
If a WLN Partnership has been terminated, suspended or is under formal investigation in a given calendar month, the WLN Partner will not be entitled to commission and bonus payments for that month or for additional months until the relationship is settled or reinstated. The WLN Partner’s status may be suspended if he/she breaches the WLN Partner Agreement or the policies and procedures included in the Handbook and any amendments thereto. We Love Noni will inform the WLN Partner in writing, by email sent to the WLN Partner’s registered email address, stating the reason, that the suspension has entered into force or will enter into force on the date indicated in the notice. The suspension may also lead to the termination of the WLN Partner’s relationship. During the suspension period, We Love Noni may primarily, but not exclusively, do the following:
  • Withhold any commissions and/or bonuses payable.
  • Prohibit the WLN Partner from acting as a We Love Noni WLN Partner.
  • Prohibit the WLN Partner from ordering products.
  • Prohibit the WLN Partner from registering new WLN Partners, contacting current WLN Partners or participating in events organized for WLN Partners.
If We Love Noni, in its sole discretion, determines that the breach that caused the suspension persists or the matter has not been adequately resolved, or if the suspended WLN Partner has committed another breach in the meantime, the suspended WLN Partner’s contract may be terminated. Any WLN Partner may terminate the WLN Partner’s contract at any time without giving any reason. Similarly, We Love Noni may terminate the WLN Partner Agreement at any time with 30-day notice. We Love Noni may terminate the relationship of a WLN Partner if he/she breaches the WLN Partner Agreement or the policies and procedures in the Handbook and any issued amendments thereof. We Love Noni will notify the WLN Partner in writing that the termination has taken effect or will take effect on the date specified in the notice. The notice of termination will be sent to the WLN Partner’s email address registered with We Love Noni. Consequences of termination of the Agreement:
  • You must cease your activity as a WLN Partner of We Love Noni;
  • You lose all rights, titles and groups associated with your relationship as a WLN Partner;
  • You lose the ability to continue to receive commissions and benefits, and shall use reasonable efforts to protect confidential information to the extent We Love Noni reasonably expects.
We Love Noni reserves the right to deduct any amounts owed by WLN Partner to the company from any commissions or other benefits due to WLN Partner. Following termination of a WLN Partner’s relationship, WLN Partners who were personally sponsored by the terminated WLN Partner will roll up to the next Sponsor, unless otherwise decided by We Love Noni, in its sole discretion.
If the WLN Partner wishes to appeal We Love Noni’s termination of the Agreement, he/she may do so within 30 days of the date of the notice of termination. If no appeal is received within the 30-day period, We Love Noni will consider the termination to be final. If the WLN Partner submits an appeal within the time limit, We Love Noni will examine the appeal and notify the WLN Partner of its decision. We Love Noni’s decision is final, and no further review is possible. If the decision is not revoked, the termination will take effect on the date specified in the original letter of termination. The said consequences of termination of the Agreement shall also apply to the WLN Partner during the appeal period, irrespective of its outcome.
Short summary of advertising rules
We Love Noni WLN Partners may only use We Love Noni trademarks, logos and images in appropriate ways and with the prior written permission of We Love Noni. We Love Noni reserves the right to revoke the permit or to edit the authorized advertising material. The use of unauthorized advertising or promotional material may result in disciplinary action against the We Love Noni WLN Partner. We Love Noni WLN Partners must state in their advertisements that they are Independent WLN Partners of We Love Noni. We Love Noni WLN Partners shall not make any representations that We Love Noni products diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health problem. We Love Noni is not responsible for any unauthorized advertising. We Love Noni may claim any resulting financial damages against the WLN Partner by revoking the commission or by taking legal action.
What can you say about We Love Noni products?
WLN Partners are strictly prohibited from making medicinal or health-related claims about any We Love Noni product. Any deviation from We Love Noni’s recommended use of any product is strictly prohibited. EU and local laws prohibit the use of the terms “curative” and “disease preventive” when recommending foods (dietary supplements). These laws apply even if the statement is entirely true but contains conclusions of prevention, cure or treatment in addition to factual statements. This applies to both direct claims and personal product experience, as these may indicate the use of We Love Noni products for therapeutic purposes. Although the official extracts of scientific journals are from legalized sources, if you wish to publish any information, please contact We Love Noni before publication at the info@welovenoni.com email address for prior verification.
Third-party materials and literature
The use of literature published by or with the assistance of third parties that contains claims that are specifically therapeutic and/or income-producing is prohibited in connection with the sale or advertising of We Love Noni products. If a WLN Partner is proven to be using such materials in connection with We Love Noni and/or the We Love Noni trademarks, this may be considered a breach of contract.
Advertising on the Internet, social networking sites, video sharing sites and Internet blogs
It is prohibited to publish any content that is offensive to general taste, capable of disturbing to public peace, includes religious or political agitation or other extremist opinions or links to such content on websites, social networking sites, posts or other media that may be associated with We Love Noni. In case of such content, We Love Noni reserves the right to suspend or exclude the WLN Partner in question.
Promoting the products of other companies to We Love Noni members
Any activity that presents or promotes another company's products, services, or offers to We Love Noni members, whether in their own team, sponsorship line, or cross lines, is prohibited on the Internet, social media, in person, by phone, by text message, by direct mail, by any general publishing, newsletter, or through any other channels. We Love Noni retains the right to terminate any WLN Partner who engages in such activities without prior justification.
Creating a website
All WLN Partner websites, its content and domain names must be approved by We Love Noni prior to registration. The following sentence must appear in the header and footer of every page of the website: „Independent We Love Noni Partner.” It is also mandatory to indicate the contact details of the WLN Partner: name, WLN Partner ID, email address.
Use of We Love Noni trademarks and logos in URLs and domain names
In order to protect its trademarks, We Love Noni prohibits the use of its trademarks and logos in any form in URLs and domain names of Internet websites, as well as in user names and nicknames of social networks. This applies to We Love Noni’s trademarks, such as Magical Noni, either on its own or in combination with other words.
Selling on the Internet
WLN Partners may include links on their personal pages to other sites that are about legitimate scientific research. For these pages, an intermediate page with a disclaimer is required. This page should appear between the personal homepage and the third-party research homepage and should only contain the disclaimer. The disclaimer should read as follows: “The link you clicked on is not directed to website operated and approved by We Love Noni. The information and opinions included on this site solely belong to the site owner and are not intended to promote We Love Noni products. If you have read and understood this disclaimer, click to continue.” The intermediate page is then directed to the third-party website. The website must operate under a separate domain name and must not contain a link back to the WLN Partner’s personal site.
Claims related to income and introduction to We Love Noni’s compensation plan
WLN Partners are obliged to present the We Love Noni compensation plan truthfully and honestly. You must not use false or misleading - income-related - claims to persuade potential WLN Partners to join. WLN Partners may not add to or modify We Love Noni’s compensation plan, nor may they present parts of their own program as part of or in the context of We Love Noni’s compensation plan. WLN Partners are forbidden to present their own or others’ earnings as a proof of success. Commission checks may not be used to guarantee a commission in advance or to estimate foreseeable payouts. The essence of We Love Noni’s compensation plan can be clearly demonstrated by using We Love Noni approved materials. Every new WLN Partner needs to understand that the key to success is the effort, dedication, resources and time they put into their business.

Changing product prices
The prices of We Love Noni products may be changed by We Love Noni in any market, at any rate, at any time, at its sole discretion. It is against We Love Noni’s ethical rules for the Partners to sell below the lowest price available at We Love Noni on a given market, either on the Internet or through any other channel.
Travel incentive rules
  • Only WLN Partners identified and notified by We Love Noni may participate in the trips.
  • Participation in the trips is non-transferable and non-saleable.
  • Only those WLN Partners who have qualified for the trip or training can participate.
  • It is not possible for a WLN Partner to change the date of the trip.
  • The value of the trip cannot be redeemed in cash. 
  • Participation in the trips is subject to the payment of a registration fee. If the WLN Partner is unable to participate in the trip but has already paid the registration fee, it cannot be refunded.
  • Buying insurance for the trips is the responsibility of the qualified WLN Partner for the trip, and We Love Noni shall not be liable for any damages arising during the trips. 
  • We Love Noni reserves the right to deny travel to WLN Partners who are not properly qualified.
  • All details of the trip (date, destination, program, duration, number of participants, qualification period, level of travel) may be modified by We Love Noni at any time at its sole discretion.
  • We Love Noni shall not be responsible and shall not be liable to pay compensation for any cancellation of the trip due to causes beyond its control. In such cases, it will decide at its own discretion on any compensation to qualified WLN Partners.
  • The qualifications for the separate trips cannot be combined, and the conditions for each trip must be met separately. A given WLN Partner can use a given amount of turnover for a specific trip for his/her own account.
Use of images of WLN Partners
By participating in We Love Noni events, trainings or trips, WLN Partners agree that the images taken at these events, that include the WLN Partner, may be used for company marketing materials on the company’s official website and social media platforms.
Disclosure of WLN Partner commission and bonus amounts
By paying the commissions and bonuses, WLN Partners authorize We Love Noni to disclose the amount of the commission checks, together with the names of the WLN Partners, in company marketing materials and on the company’s official website and social media platforms.

Amendment of the We Love Noni policies
We Love Noni reserves the right to make changes to the WLN Partner Agreement, the Handbook, product prices, written company publications and the compensation plan at any time without prior written notice. Any such changes will be communicated to WLN Partners in writing by email or at www.weovenoni.com. It is the WLN Partner’s responsibility to provide We Love Noni with a valid email address. If the email address provided is no longer valid or the WLN Partner has not provided an email address, posting on www.welovenoni.com is an appropriate means of notifying that WLN Partner. Notices that are binding on WLN Partners will be posted on We Love Noni’s corporate website or otherwise disclosed to WLN Partners, and will be effective from the earliest date of publication. In the event of any conflict arising between the WLN Partner Agreement or the Handbook or any other document, the amendment shall prevail.
We Love Noni compensation plan
The basic definitions
  • QV: qualifying volume, 100 QV per a case (4 bottles) of Magical Noni, 101 QV per a big case (4 bottles) of Dogs love Noni
  • CV: commissionable value variable per market
The actual QV and CV can be found in the price list.
  • Monthly maintenance (criteria for commission qualification): 100 QV Loyalty membership
  • Sign-up fee: The amount payable for the first order, while registering as We Love Noni Partner, contains the registration fee. Fees may vary from market to market.
Sell three, your is free!
Purchase a case that corresponds to your monthly activity and have two registered customers buy one-one case within a given month, and you may select between a free case with your next monthly activity case or a Quick Start bonus payment. (The free case does not replace your monthly activity for the next month, nor can delivery be requested separately from the monthly activity case.) The Partner will bear the cost of shipping the free case.
Quick Start
Get paid every week! Earn up to 20% on the volume generated under you!
  • You are entitled to Quick Start bonus based on your registered customers forever and for the first 60-day period after WLN Partners counting from their first purchase.
  • For the first 60-day period after WLN Partners counting from their first purchase.
The Quick Start bonus is a percentage calculated based on the CV of the market, taking into consideration on which level the volume was generated.
  • Level 1*: 20% (10%)
  • Level 2: 10%
  • Level 3: 5%
  • Level 4: 5%
  • Level 5: 5%
*Depending on the volume of the first 30 days = lifetime benefit (min. 600 QV grants 20%). Upgrades are possible in promotional periods as per company announcements.
Earn 5-10% of the market’s CV per level from up to 8 levels of the volume generated by WLN Partners after their first 60-day period expires.
  • Level 1*: 10% (5%)
  • Levels 2-8: 5%
*Depending on the volume of the first 30 days = lifetime benefit (min. 600 QV grants 10%). Upgrades are possible in promotional periods. Purchasing the 100 QV monthly commission qualification as part of the Loyalty plan entitles you to get payout from 3 levels. You can get payouts from deeper levels by qualifying for the below titles.
Business levels
  • Helper: a Partner who has his own free Magical Noni qualification as well as three other free Magical Noni qualifier Partners on the first level in the same month. The Partner who qualifies as a Helper for the first time receives a gift* for their efforts.
  • Business Builder: a WLN Partner with 2000 QV Magical Noni team sales within the same month. The Partner who qualifies as a Helper for the first time receives a gift* for their efforts. 
    *Gifts may vary seasonally.
100 QV monthly activity on your Partner position guarantees you Unilevel bonus payments from the first 3 levels. You can get commissions at deeper levels if you qualify for the below leadership titles:
  • Bronze Leader monthly 4.000 QV (40 cases of Magical Noni equivalent team turnover at 4 levels) will guarantee you commission from the first 4 levels.
  • Silver Leader monthly 10.000 QV (100 cases of Magical Noni equivalent team turnover at 5 levels) will guarantee you commission from the first 5 levels.
  • Gold Leader monthly 20.000 QV (200 cases of Magical Noni equivalent team turnover at 6 levels) will guarantee you commission from the first 6 levels.
  • Platinum Leader monthly 30.000 QV (300 cases of Magical Noni equivalent team turnover at 7 levels) will guarantee you commission from the first 7 levels.
  • Diamond Leader monthly 60.000 QV (600 cases of Magical Noni equivalent team turnover at 8 levels) will guarantee you commission from the first 8 levels.
  • Double Diamond monthly 90.000 QV (900 cases of Magical Noni equivalent team turnover) will guarantee you commission from the first 8 levels.
  • Triple Diamond monthly 120.000 QV (1200 cases of Magical Noni equivalent team turnover) will guarantee you commission from the first 8 levels.
  • Vice President 3 Diamond leaders on the first level within the same month and it will guarantee you commission from the first 8 levels.
  • President 3 Double Diamond leaders on the first level within the same month and it will guarantee you commission from the first 8 levels.
All first time ever title qualifications allow max. 2/3 of the required QV to come from 1 leg. Maintenance can be done without this restriction, just by achieving the necessary volume.
Leadership Bonus Pool
On top of your commissions, you can get a share from the total volume of the entire company! 3% of the global CV flows into this bonus pool. This bonus pool is shared between the minimum Diamond level leaders. To qualify for a Leadership Bonus, you have to have minimum Diamond title in the given month. Reaching the Diamond Leader level worth 2 shares. Each new, higher title achievement will worth 1 additional share. If you hold any other Diamond title, then each new Platinum Leader on your level 1 will worth an additional new share. Above Triple Diamond level every additional 30,000 QV on QV20 will worth an additional new share. At the end of the calendar quarter, the company calculates the number of shares qualified and allocate the Leadership Bonus Pool between them. Pays out on a quarterly level. Getting a share of the Leadership Bonus Pool can result in HUGE EXTRA PAYOUTS for you, therefore you must strive for achieving minimum Diamond title in as many months as possible. Only Partners who qualified for a free Magical Noni case in the Diamond or above leadership level qualification month and solicited that free case the following month are eligible for the Leadership Bonus. 

Travel Bonus Pool
5% of the total CV goes to the Travel Bonus Pool. You can qualify for the trips based on additionally published criteria.
Duplication Bonus
  • If you qualify for a free case of Magical Noni, and you teach this method to 3 other Partners on your Level 1, you will get 40 EUROS BONUS in addition to your normal payout.
  • If you qualify for a free case of Magical Noni, and you teach this method to 9 other Partners on your Level 2, you will get 60 EUROS BONUS in addition to your normal payout.
  • If you qualify for a free case of Magical Noni, and you teach this method to 27 other Partners on your Level 3, you will get 160 EUROS BONUS in addition to your normal payout.
More information:
  • WLN Partners are eligible for Duplication Bonus if they also qualify for a free case of Magical Noni in the same month.
  • Level 2 Duplication bonus is connected level 1 qualification, similarly level 3 bonus is paid only if you have at least 9 WLN Partners with free case qualification on the level 2 within the same month.
  • If you have more than 3 WLN Partner with a free case, we will multiply your payout after each 3 WLN Partners with a free case. E.g. you have 6 WLN Partners with a free case on level 1, we will double the amount of your Duplication Bonus.
  • If the WLN Partner who qualifies for the free case does not make a purchase in the following month (i.e. does not order his activity case along which we would deliver the free case), we will pay out the Quick Start bonus for those 2 customers cases that counted towards the free case qualification. Since the free case wasn’t delivered – the Partner will not count towards your Duplication Bonus, neither for the ongoing incentives and Travel Bonuses.
  • The Duplication Bonus is paid out with the first Quick Start bonus payment of the second month after qualification. E.g. you qualify for the free case along with another 3 WLN Partners from your 1st level in January, we will monitor during the month of February if those free cases were requested or not (if all of these Partners were active), if yes, the Duplication Bonus will be paid on the first full week of March at the same time as the Quick Start bonus of the first week.